#005 Windlight setting

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How to make Windlight; working with them.

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Some Windlights  ( taken from http://secondlifewanderlust.blogspot.fr/p/windlights.html )

As you will see in my photos, I’m a big fan of playing with windlight settings.  Over time, I have collected quite a variety of them, from the viewers and from creators who made their own windlight settings and were kind enough to share them.  For anyone who is interested in picking up some of the ones I have found over time, I’m creating this list of links on where I located them.  (I’ll be updating this list over time as well, since it’s a pretty large amount of links that I am still sorting out)

Jay T Murs –  I’m a huge fan of his windlights and water settings, so these are frequently used.  I find them very dramatic and filled with alot of depth.  The link will take you to one of the posts for his one setting but if you scroll down to near the bottom of that post, you will find a list of different ones that he has made that are available.

Strawberry Singh – No list is really a full list without Strawberry’s windlight settings I think, so here is the link on where I located hers.  For her mirrorWater setting, you can locate that here.

Luna Jubilee – I found this ages ago and this is honestly windlights that I will never leave home without them tucked happily in my settings list.  I find they are perfect for creating more sunny, bright and warm looks, along with a fantastic close up lighting.

Annan Adored –  Like Luna, these are and always have been a must in my Windlight folder.  Annan has created some amazing windlight settings, that I have seen many other photographers using to create some fantastic pieces of art.  You will also find more of her settings here, here and here.

Torley Linden – Torley is best described as the King of Windlight, with a massive selection of windlight settings that he has created and shared with everyone.  On this page, there is also instructions on how to place your new settings into the viewers, including a video to help assist you, so this is a major must keep link for those who are newer to adding windlight settings to their viewers.

Juicy Bomb – Now these settings are really nice, subtle and I always found, perfect for doing close ups or creating really soft effects in your photography.

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